Monday, October 24, 2005


So apparently Blogspot is becoming kidn of a blogspam ghetto. A fairly large number of the neat blogs by Forge twunts are on blogspot.

It occurs to me that I could probably set up a "free blogs for indie RPG folks" service over at my hosting, if there was an interest. On the other hand, it's not like there's a huge shortage of avenues for blogs on the Inter Nets (e.g. and whatnot), and it's not like all the crap blogs on somehow make the good ones disappear from view. I hadn't even noticed any problem, I've just read about it.

Just wanted to throw that out there.

1 comment:

Ed H said...

Looks like you got cut off there, Matt...

Keeping out spam would depend on what software I used. The more popular the software you use, the more likely people have written spambots which abuse it. But conversely, the more likely that the arms race has led to useful plugins to combat blogspam.

I haven't researched this seriously yet but in principle, any system which is set up, custom-made, for a group of people who are admitted by hand (that doesn't mean it'd be select or elitist, only that you can't auto-create accounts mechanically) ought not to be as vulnerable to mechanical abuse as a "blogs for everybody, create them instantly" system.

And I have a few friends who have hand-written their own blogging software for the fun of it, and not a one of them has a spam problem. So probably the more custom it is, the less spam you deal with.

I'm not nearly as familiar with Daedalus as I'd like to be, and I'd like to change that. I'm not familiar with the workshop!